

一堆混合的纸包. 文中说,大约80%的美国人.S. 造纸厂使用一些再生纸

你把回收的东西扔进垃圾桶. 你把它放在路边,或者把它带到当地的下车点. 然后你会想, 我的纸真的被回收了吗?

是的! 再生纸被用来制作纸袋等新产品, 卫生纸和各种各样的盒子. 例如, 装麦片或牙膏的盒子, bakery boxes for donuts and the trusty cardboard box arriving at 你r door.  

事实上,大约80%的美国人.S. 造纸厂使用一些再生纸 to make new and innovative products.


  • 它从任意位置开始, 包括社区路边项目, 下降中心, 学校或办公室. 这就是 用接受的材料填满回收箱.
  • 纸被收集后,会被送到 物料回收设施(MRF).  它被装在传送带上,污染物被清除. 
  • 接下来,回收纸被分离并打包. 这是 运送到造纸厂 回收过程从哪里开始呢.
  • 在造纸厂, the paper bale is loaded into a pulper, which looks like a giant blender. The paper is mixed with water and other ingredients, then it’s churned and broken down. 像胶带、标签和订书钉之类的东西都被筛掉了.
  • From there, this slurry of fibers is screened for further cleaning. As it dries, it is formed into rolls of paper — newly recycled paper.
一个穿法兰绒衬衫的男人把一个盒子放进回收箱. 文字上说,观察纸张回收过程是如何运作的.


Follow along as industry experts walk 你 through the recycling process and explain where 你r paper products might end up.

A person putting a cardboard box in a small recycling bin with a newspaper. 课文说看看哪些纸制品是可回收的.


你可以继续回收过程. 保持纸制品干燥清洁. 记住,不要抱希望.

路边垃圾桶里的披萨盒和纸板箱. 文字说下载2021 <a href='http://djc.utc-eng.com'>十大菠菜软件</a>获取回收研究

下载2021 十大菠菜软件获取回收研究

This comprehensive national report tracks and measures the growth of community paper recycling access in the U.S.








100 +磁流变液

100 +磁流变液


Investing in and improving paper recycling has been an industry priority for decades. 十大菠菜软件成员正在努力推进循环价值链.

Our industry first set a goal to help improve paper recycling in the 1990s. 从那时起,回收率翻了一番.  

现在,电子竞技赌注的软件已经 set a goal to increase the use of secondary materials like recycled paper 到2030年,新纸制品的比例将达到50%.

This means the industry will use even more recycled paper in manufacturing! 这个目标是电子竞技赌注的软件更好的实践,2030年更美好的地球: 可持续的产品,可持续的未来.

电子竞技赌注的软件拥有回收系统的所有权. 十大菠菜软件 members own and operate more than 100 materials recovery facilities nationwide. 这是你的可回收物品分类和处理的地方.

电子竞技赌注的软件的行业正在投资制造业基础设施. 近70亿美元的投资, 计划或宣布(2019-2025), 将使用900多万吨再生纤维. 

投资远不止电子竞技赌注的软件的工厂. We’re also working with stakeholders on paper recycling education.







Sustainable practices are the foundation of the paper and wood products industry.

学习 more about the industry’s goal to “Advance a Circular Value Chain Through the Production of Renewable and Recyclable Products.” 


Our industry is continuously working to innovate and improve technology, 尤其是在回收方面. 回收d paper products are a key component of our circular value chain. 

自2009年以来,纸张回收率达到或超过63%. Still, about 23% of municipal solid waste is paper and paperboard, according to the EPA. Our members are committed to keeping their products out of landfills.

Our industry is working to capture even more paper from the waste stream for recycling.  研究, outreach and new technologies are helping ensure the products the industry makes can be recycled. 

深入了解十大菠菜软件 可持续性 Award winning member projects aimed at improving recycling technology and using more recycled fiber.

Innovating Products From 回收d 纸 and 回收 Technology

Georgia-Pacific is developing innovations across the recycling supply chain, including paper cups. 

The innovative Juno Technology is helping to turn trash into treasure. Juno was born from the desire to capture more paper for recycling. 

A small team of innovators developed the idea for the technology behind Juno and saw an opportunity with commercial waste from places like airports, 体育场馆和办公楼.

These places have a lot of paper-based waste that typically isn't recycled because of food contamination.

了解更多相关信息 激动人心的获奖项目 以及它是如何帮助增加纸张回收的. 而且, 看看朱诺号的内部


  • A 基于纸张的梅勒 这是100%路边可回收的 通过与一家大型在线零售商合作.
  • 美国第一 热杯 由100%回收纤维制成.

Georgia-Pacific is also working to increase paper cup recycling by investing in recycling infrastructure and partnering with municipalities to increase the acceptance of paper cups in curbside recycling programs.


New-Indy improved repulping systems at its Ontario, California mill. Repulping is the step in the recycling process where 你r old cardboard boxes, mail and paper bags get tossed in a giant blender so they can get turned into something new. 

New-Indy added technology to help further screen out contaminants. 这些改进导致:

  • Consuming mixed paper in all products without sacrificing quality
  • 减少了5500吨废料
  • 10,000 tons of mixed paper that would have otherwise gone to a landfill being repulped

学习 how their investment in additional technology helped improve their ability to 加工更多的再生纤维.

Partnering to Amplify that Pizza Boxes Are Recyclable and 纸 Mills Want Pizza Boxes

WestRock teamed up with Domino’s Pizza and other industry partners to 分享一个好消息:披萨盒是可回收的. 


  • 记录造纸厂想要回收用过的披萨盒
  • 研究油脂和奶酪对回收的影响
  • 评估比萨盒回收的途径
  • Launch a public educational portal to spread the word that pizza boxes are recyclable. 

据估计,美国每年消费30亿份披萨.S. 每年. That’s about 600,000 tons of potential fiber that could be turned into something new. 了解更多相关信息 获奖的项目 以及它如何帮助捕获更多的纤维进行回收.


十大菠菜软件's annual awards program recognizes exemplary sustainability programs and initiatives in the paper and wood products manufacturing industry.